When is the last time you went on a date? Sometimes when we are married or have been in a long-term relationship, we tend to think back to the very beginning when someone asks us that question. The phrase date night has always had such a flirty and casual connotation to it, that we often forget how important a part of your relationship it plays. I am guilty of this as well. My husband and I’s relationship is nothing like it was in the beginning. Instead of it just being the two of us getting to know one another and explore all that life has to offer, we now have three beautiful children, careers, a home to maintain and everyday life chores and happenings. It is not uncommon that your relationships evolve and change the longer you are together. Even though I would not trade the comfort and stability we have now for the world, I think it is so important to continue to date each other! Dating gives us a chance to continue to get to know one another (yes, even after all these years), flirt with each other, laugh, be silly and have some much needed us time. It is so essential to have alone time together and stay connected. After all, you built the life you have because of the amazing dates you started with. I’ve listed some of my favorite go to date nights with my hubby below. Surprise your significant other and plan one for them!
Enjoy a Fancy Dinner
What I love about this date night is all the possibilities! A fancy dinner does not necessarily have to be out at an expensive restaurant. You can cook something from your own kitchen. Pinterest is loaded with so many amazing ideas and recipes. I would suggest if you have kiddos, try getting a babysitter for the night so you don’t have any distractions!
Play Some Throwback Music and Chat
Bust out the iPad, stereo, record player, whatever! Find some of your favorite music from when you started dating and jam out together. It’s even more fun if the weather is nice and you can sit on your porch. The music will start to remind you of memories from things in your past and you can reminisce all night long together.
Go On a Walk
Even if the weather is less than perfect, enjoy a walk together. It gives you a chance to get some fresh air, move around and hold hands! If it isn’t a downpour, you can usually dress in whatever you need to and still have an enjoyable and comfortable walk.
Go to Target
Maybe this is a date night geared more towards us ladies? But, why not a target trip with your guy? Target has so many amazing things to check out- it can take hours to look around that store. Grab a Starbucks on your way in and have fun looking at each department together.
Go to The Park
There are so many ways you can enjoy the park as an adult without the little ones. If it’s a nice day; pack a picnic lunch, frisbee and blanket. You can also take your bikes, go on a walk or find a bench and people watch.
Have a Carpet Picnic
If the weather isn’t cooperating enough to have a picnic at the park, try one in your living room! Grab a blanket and some comfy pillows and make yourself a cozy spot. I like to make easy to eat finger foods while we lay and snack. If you set some mood lighting to go with it, it can be a very romantic evening together.
Go to the Farmer’s Market
If you can’t schedule a date night due to schedule conflicts, make it a date morning! Going to the local farmers market can be a fun thing to do with your honey. It gets you out of the house and into the fresh air and is a great excuse to try some amazing food that’s in season while supporting local businesses.
Get Dessert
If you want to stay on a low budget for date night, skip the big meal and go out for dessert. Find a local coffee shop for pastries, a frozen yogurt place or ice cream store. If you are feeling daring, let the other person pick out your dessert without you knowing what it is and surprise each other after you pay.
Go Bowling or Mini Golfing
I don’t know why I always forget about doing these two things unless my kids bring it up. But, these are both things you can do with just the adults. If you want to make it interesting, place a fun bet on who you think is going to win!
Take a Weekend Trip Away
This is a little harder to plan since it costs more money and is more time away from your other responsibilities. But, I do think if you are able to, try to plan a weekend away together once a year. It can be somewhere that you fly to or a drive away. If you want to stay on a lower budget, plan a weekend and have a staycation at home together! Just make sure the entire weekend is dedicated to the two of you!