Shirt: Old Navy (similar) / Skirt: CestcaNY (10% off with code: kyleeskorner) similar / Booties: Børn
Tulle Skirts for the Win!
Dont you just love the girly perfection of tulle skirts? I have always loved the look of them but have never owned one myself, that was until I found Ćest Ça New York! Oh my heavens do they have the prettiest little collection of feminine tulle skirts, flirty dresses and beautiful blouses that I have ever seen. And because they are so amazing they decided to give my followers a 10% discount on their site until the end of November with the CODE: KYLEESKORNER ! Yay! With Christmas right around the corner can you imagine a better gift to give to a loved one than a fun flirty skirt?! Do yourself or a loved one a favor and check out their site so you can add one or one hundred of these perfect twirl all day skirts to your closet!
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