I think it goes without saying that this has been a tough year on pretty much everyone I know in one way or another. The world has been hit with a pandemic that has left a trickling effect of bad consequences for so many people. Sometimes, it is easy to start looking at the glass as half empty when the going gets especially tough and you can find yourself forgetting the things in your life to be thankful for. We are all guilty of feeling sorry for ourselves from time to time and that’s ok. However, I try really hard to make sure I see the glass as half full most of the time and remember all of the amazing ways I have been blessed in my life. I find myself feeling better physically, emotionally and spiritually when I practice gratitude and keep a thankful heart. Gratitude can be such an empowering emotion to have and can truly make your life better. Check out some ways that I try to show my gratitude towards myself, my life and the people I am surrounded with every day. I truly believe once you start to remind yourself of all of the good things that you are surrounded by, even the things you might overlook at times, you will start to feel a weight lifted. Remember, there is always something to be grateful for every single day.
Keep A Gratitude Journal
Keep a journal in a safe place and start your day out by jotting down a few things you are grateful for each morning. It can be as detailed or as simple as you want it to be. On days that you find yourself feeling down, this will come in handy to remember all of the good that surrounds you.
Tell Someone Something Positive
I think people are quick to point out the negative in people more often than the positive. If someone does something well, tell them. If someone crosses your path at some point on any given day, try to think of a way to give them a compliment. It doesn’t take up a lot of your time and could make their day special for them. Everyone likes to be noticed for something good, so spread some kindness around. Hopefully other people will return the love to someone else and keep paying it forward.
Your facial expressions tell others what your current mood is. Try to smile throughout the day as much as you can, even on a phone call. I love catching up with someone on the phone and being able to imagine the smile they have on their face because I can hear it in their voice. Smiling is always going to make you feel better and could impact those around you because they can be contagious.
Volunteering is an awesome way to help out in your community and practice gratitude. I find myself being more thankful for all of the things I might take for granted when I am helping people who might have less then I do. It is a good reminder to appreciate all of the things you have in your life and how important it is to help those in need. There have also been studies that show people who volunteer by helping others increase their own well-being and end up being able to show gratitude easier.
Enjoy The Little Things
Even though it can be hard on some days, there are so many little things all around us to be thankful for. Try to appreciate a day where the weather is enjoyable. Get excited when your favorite seasonal drink has come back out. Watch the movie that is streaming that made you laugh as a kid. Enjoy the conversation with the friend who took the time to reach out and say hi. Try to be thankful you have a house to clean and clothes to wash, since some people might not. Cheer because you got a parking spot close to the door. These are all small things that happen in our daily lives that can be easy to overlook. Try to be mindful when they happen to you and enjoy them to the fullest!
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